Ford Mondeo Mk3 Heated Seat Wiring Diagram
8 Posts
Discussion Starter · #1 ·
Hi all,
Does anyone know where i can get a wiring diagram for the mk 3 facelift heated seats i have looked everywhere including the haynes manual and cant seem to find a diagram anywhere. I have fitted a set of recaro's and even have someone that will wire them in just need a diagram for him to work off.
Also my misses is going to kill me if i cant get her passenger seat to go back anytime soon
Dash cams, catch 'em out :)
13,168 Posts
Just for the sake of asking, are the recaros from the same age of car as yours, i.e. Are both car and seats variable heat or both on/off heat?
8 Posts
Discussion Starter · #3 ·
Hi the seats are from a facelift st220 and mine is a facelift zetec if that helps. I have fitted the seats and have had no problems with the drivers side movement (8 way) just no live to passenger side so no movement and the heated seats don't work because I have no relay holder at the back of the fuse box and no wires in the floor loom but I have fitted heated switches and they light up red (up)and blue ( down). Any help would be greatly appreciated
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Dash cams, catch 'em out :)
13,168 Posts
As Recaros are only heated the blue LEDs wont be doing anything and the switch eould have been from a non ST car.
I dont have a wiring diagram but do have the plug position diagrams.
Dash cams, catch 'em out :)
13,168 Posts
8 Posts
Discussion Starter · #6 ·
yeah i bought the switches before the seats just to fill the little coin holder thing and i was considering the climate seats before i bought the recaro's going by your PDF looks like i am missing C60d and C60h wires on drivers side and C61d, C61g and C61h on passenger side. I am trying to source a floor loom from a car that has already got the heated seats installed but even then i wouldn't know what to do without a wiring diagram. I am just hoping if i can source a floor loom it would just be a case of tracing the wires back from the seat and pull out the old loom and plug in the new one but i doubt very much if it is going to be that easy. O and then i will have to wire in a relay aswell :tonofbricks:
8 Posts
some pics of the seats installed just because i want to show them off :biggrin: :whistling:

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Dash cams, catch 'em out :)
13,168 Posts
Those are interesting pics, Ive never thought of doing a night shot of my interior like that.
It should be fairly easy to pic up a flint coloured front armrest if you dont already have one.
8 Posts
Discussion Starter · #9 ·
Thanks i think they look awesome in the dark with the extra lighting i put in.
I forgot to pick up the arm rest when i collected the seats but the guy i bought them off was brilliant and is going to send it out to me hopefully along with a floor loom so i should have it soon and will post some more pics then
Dash cams, catch 'em out :)
13,168 Posts
What light units did you fit?
8 Posts
Discussion Starter · #11 ·
Just ran a wire from the interior light round both sides of the headliner the spliced into it by the seatbelt for front seats and by rear headrests and used some 5050 LEDs that's you can buy on a roll of 300 and cut them every 3
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